New Memory – CD

Added | 10.3.2025

In 2025, a CD of the Plaisirs de Musique ensemble entitled New Memory will be released. The following will be presented compositions that form bridges between old and new music. On the one hand, the axis of its dramaturgy is the compositions of modern composers who have written their compositions directly for the ensemble. Thesearrow

Bučovice renaissance pastimes

Added | 4.7.2016

For the celebrations of William Shakespeare’s 400th anniversary, PLAISIRS DE MUSIQUE offer a unique torchlit musical-dramatic performance created especially for Bučovice château with its famous renaissance arcades and mannerist fountain. This will also be the opening event of the Bučovice Autumn festival. Pro děti i veřejnost bude odpoledne připravena výtvarná dílna (10:00-11:30) a výuka historických tancůarrow

At the King’s court

Added | 29.6.2016

A capricious tale full of love and French dances from the court of the Sun King, Louis XIV. Other senses are cherished by original French delicacies: pâté, cheese and wine. — A. Campra,J.–B. Lully, J. Morel, Ch.-H. Gervais,  Marais, A. Vivaldi (music) — L.–G. Pécour, R. A. Feuillet, J. Balon, F. Dofek (choreography) Friday 22.07.2016, 20:00, Old Townhall (courtyard), Radnická 8, Brnoarrow

Christmas in Versailles

Added | 15.12.2015

Pardubice, Brno, Kameničky, Hradec Králové posted: 5. 12. 2015 V prosinci se uskuteční čtyři slavnostní koncerty, které posluchačům přiblíží atmosféru Adventu a Vánoc v kapli francouzského krále. V programu zazní orchestrální zpracování lidových koled Marc-Antoine Charpentiera i adventní a vánoční moteta z oper slavných skladatelů jako Jean-Baptiste Lully nebo André Campra. Pod uměleckým vedení Janaarrow

REMA 2015 Showcase in Prague

Added | 29.11.2015

The REMA Showcase is a showcase for young European artists which takes place every two years. It is a unique opportunity for young talents of early music to present themselves in front of a broad selection of European early music promoters. To meet as many festival or concert hall directors early in their career is a considerablearrow