Music of Rudolfinum Prague

A fragment of the lute tablature XIII B 237, (RISM 290), also known as Codex Jacobides, is one of the most important Czech monuments of lute and instrumental music in the early 17th century. He comes from Prague of the time of Rudolf II. and later. It contains recordings of period dances, intabulation of songs, vocal polyphonies of the secular and spiritual type, as well as examples of period artistic production for solo lute. Dances and songs prove that Prague at that time was a crossroads of cultural exchange important throughout Europe – we find compositions of German, English, French, Italian, Polish, Spanish and the manuscript is important for understanding the diversity of influences, which contributed more or less to at that time a nascent domestic music production, including folklore.

Marta Kratochvílová – renaissance transverse flute

Jan Čižmář – lutes, orpharion



Jan Čižmář
umělecký vedoucí, loutna, theorba, kytara

Jan Čižmář studied lute at the Royal College of Music in London and at the Royal Conservatory in the Hague. He is a founder of the Czech Lute Society and currently teaches at MUK Wien, AMUZ Katowice and JAMU Brno. As a scholar he is busy researching, editing, performing and recording music from central European archives.

Jan Čižmář is a versatile performer focusing on a wide range of historical plucked instruments. He performs as a soloist with renaissance and baroque repertoire as well as a chamber musician. He is a core member of {oh!} Orkiestra, Ensemble Inégal and his own ensemble Plaisirs de Musique. He has been a busy continuo player, regularly performing with groups such as Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, 18th century orchestra, Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment, Ensemble baroque de Limoges, Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra, Hong Kong Philharmonic, Collegium 1704, Nederlands Blazers Ensemble, Ensemble Elyma, Arte dei Suonatori, Vox Luminis, Florilegium and many others at concerts and opera productions across Europe, in USA and in Asia. He has worked under conductors such as Frans Brüggen, Christophe Coin, Christopher Hogwood, Giovanni Antonini, Yannick Nézet-Séguin, Václav Luks.

In his non-early music past he was busy as a rock, jazz and later as a classical guitarist. He toured Europe with New York production of Jesus Christ Superstar as a rock guitarist and has often appeared on stage in theatrical/dance productions of the Lindsay Kemp Company and Leine & Roebana a.o.


Marta Kratochvílová

Marta Kratochvílová studovala hru na flétnu na Konzervatoři v Pardubicích a poté na JAMU v Brně. V roce 2000 zahájila studium ve Francii na Conservatoire National de Région de Strasbourg, kde se specializovala na barokní a renesanční příčnou flétnu ve třídě J. F. Alizona a N. Hadden a na komorní hudbu ve třídách M. Gestera a P. Blanca. Zúčastnila se mistrovských kursů a stáží vedených významnými osobnostmi jako Paul McCreesh, Barthold Kuijken, Jan-Latham Koenig, Sir Neville Marriner. Ve Francii intenzivně působila jako hráčka na barokní a renesanční příčnou flétnou v souborech Le Parlement de Musique, Bohemia duo, se souborem NotaBene. V rámci renesančních workshopů (Ferrara, Mnichov, Stuttgart, Basilej) pravidelně účinkovala s Consortem renesančních fléten ze Strasbourgu.

Od roku 2010 žije v ČR a nadále pravidelně koncertuje po celé Evropě. Úzce spolupracuje především na komorních a sólových projektech s umělci jako Christophe Coin, Jan Čižmář, Karel Fleischlinger, Joel Frederiksen, Martin Jakubíček, Petr Kolař, Ján Krigovský, Marcin Świątkiewicz, Marc Vonau či Petr Wagner. Je také vedoucí consortu renesančních příčných fléten Tourdion.

Jako pedagožka s dlouholetými zkušenostmi bývá zvána k prezentacím a masterclass po celé Evropě a zároveň vyučuje soukromě hru a dobovou interpretaci na barokní a renesanční traverso.